General Information
In accordance with article 10 of law 34/2002, July 11th, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, we provide the following data:
Sprojects in Rails & Lanes S.L.U (Spiral) has registered office at Bº El Bojar 2B office 9, 39608 Igollo-Camargo (Cantabria) – Spain with Tax ID number B39845383. It is registered at the Santander Mercantile Register 3, Volume 1150, Book 0, Folio 6, Section 8, page S-31519, first entry.
Its main purpose is to provide clients and the general public with information regarding the company, the products and services offered.
User obligations
The conditions of access and use of this website are based on legislation in force and good faith principle. The user assumes to use the website properly. Not be allowed conducts against to the law, the rights or interest of third parties.
To be user of the Spiral website means that the user acknowledges to have read and accepted these conditions and what is extended by the applicable legal regulations in this matter. If for whatever reason the user does not agree to these terms, do not continue to use this website.
Any type of notification or claim will be only accepted by written notice or certified mail.
Jursidiction and Applicable Law
These terms are governed by Spanish law. For any litigation that might arise related to the website or the activity developed in it, it will be competent the Courts and Tribunals of Santander (Cantabria). Expressly the user waives to any other jurisdiction that might correspond to him.